Monday, July 31, 2017


On Sunday, July 30, we held worship in our Fellowship Hall, seated at tables, with wonderful brunch foods and deep, thoughtful conversations. 
We heard Luke 6:39-42 about noticing the log in your own eye before you point out the speck in another's. In other words: Do not judge! 

I then led an exercise called a "Privilege Walk", intended to raise awareness about privilege and marginalization in our culture. Read more here:

I was very impressed by how focused and attentive everyone was in dealing with such a difficult and controversial topic. Conversations at tables were respectful and honest. One group was still talking long after worship was over! 
Here are some of the insights people gained from the exercise:
That having more than 50 books in your house when you were growing up, being right-handed, having your parents tell you you could be anything you wanted to, having health insurance, being able to walk alone at night or to purchase band-aids in the color of your skin tone makes you privileged. 
Questions people would have liked to see added were about age discrimination, physical or mental abuse, whether they work to work or love the work they do, and whether they were able to be who they really are at home (growing up, or in the present).

People said this experience was helpful to them as it made them realize how blessed they are for the resources they have access to. It made them empathize more with those who were/are not as fortunate. How can I use the gifts I have been given (financial, education, talents) and use them to benefit others? "We never know what others are going or have gone through."

I was so deeply moved by all this, I forgot to read the Bible passage I had intended to close with: 

Philippians 1:29: “God has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ but of suffering for him as well.”

Learning about our own privilege or marginalization is difficult. Calling it “suffering” is not an exaggeration. This is what it takes in order for our society and our country to heal and move forward.

I am incredibly blessed and grateful to be serving this church, growing closer to God and others together on this journey we call life.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Worship on July 23rd, 2017

Sunday July 23rd we celebrated the dedication of our new projector and screen in our worship space (sanctuary). This project has been a long time coming and took much research, due diligence, discussions, and a large financial commitment. Thank you to Larry Hemstreet, JoAnne and Brett Miller, the Board of Deacons and the congregation for your support in making this happen! 

We heard the story of a young man, Eutychus, who is sitting in an open window. He dozes off during a long sermon, falls out the window and dies. But Paul is able to revive him. (Intrigued? Read Acts 20:7-12.)

We don't want people to die of boredom at Trinity Church. We want them to be excited, inspired, challenged and encouraged by the message we preach and teach! The message is the same as it was back when Paul was preaching. We believe people will be changed and can live better lives with Jesus. But HOW we "preach" that message must change if we want people to hear and understand it. Different people connect and learn in different ways. We want to offer a broader variety of worshiping styles to ensure that we reach the hearts and minds of today's society, regardless of age, cultural background, or intellectual ability. 

None of us know it all when it comes to faith and God. Let's keep our hearts and minds wide open for new experiences!

God says: "I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:19)