The Interim Season
As we embrace the most colorful season nature brings, we embrace a new season in the life of Trinity Church – the interim season.
In joining you as interim pastor I am reminded of something Henry David Thoreau penned in his journal 169 years ago. He said: “Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.”
As a church, let us fully live in this interim season as it passes; to breathe, drink and taste it, and surrender ourselves to this season’s influence on us.
Like the wonders of autumn, the interim season is wonderful too.. it’s a time of dreaming and discernment; a time of renewal and refreshment; a time of preparation and promise.
For the next 18 months (more or less) we will be living in this interim season – praying, worshiping, meeting, studying, listening, deciding and moving in the direction Christ is leading Trinity Church as you get ready to call your next pastor.
I am glad to be here with you in this interim season. And I hope you’re ready to join me in learning, growing and discovering the good things God has in store for us.
Let’s embrace this interim season and make the most of it!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Will