Last night I attended an interfaith where a brief overview of Christianity was given, from one particular denomination's perspective. There are so many theological and structural differences between the various Christian churches. It must be very confusing to people of others faiths - and to people who adhere to the Christian faith as well!
A decline in denominational identity was mentioned: People don't care so much what particular "brand" of Christianity a local congregation belongs to. They want to be part of a community that helps them make a difference in the world. I've seen and heard this myself.
While some may find this trend regrettable I celebrate it. We don't need Baptists or Congregationalists or Presbyterians. We need disciples of Jesus Christ! How and where they affiliate should be an individual's free choice.
So that's one thing that we as Trinity Church stand for: That each individual has a right to their own set of beliefs. We read the Bible, we teach what Jesus taught, and we try to live the way Jesus tells us to. But we don't make anyone go through a checklist of theological concepts and ask them to sign off on them. For example:
- the virgin birth
- the healing and feeding miracles
- the resurrection
- the Trinity
Some of these are theological constructs created by human beings to try to make sense of a mysterious God. Some are interpretations of a text that was originally written in Greek or Hebrew, in a very different cultural context. And all of them are stories told about God or Jesus by human beings.
None of us know for sure. None of us believe everything that is in the Bible. I certainly don't! At least not literally. And that's okay. I can be a disciple of Jesus and interpret Biblical stories and church traditions in my own way.
So can you. You don't need to be a Biblical scholar or theologian to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. All you need to be is yourself: a person who longs for a connection with God and with other people. A person who wants to live a deep and meaningful life. A person who wants to have a purpose and make a difference.
We, here at Trinity Church, believe Jesus is the way to that life. But we know and fully respect that there are other ways.
If you want to know more about Jesus and how you can follow him, you are welcome with us. If you have all kinds of doubts and questions, you are welcome with us. If you've had a negative experience with church and are not sure if you even want to be part of any organized religion, you are welcome with us.
We will not judge you. We will not tell you what to believe or what to think. We will talk to you and listen to you, we will pray with you and do hands-on ministry with you, if you so choose.
Please contact me if you'd like to talk about about any of this, whether you are considering membership or have been a member for a long time. We are all still on a journey, and it is more rewarding and more fun if we walk it together.
I know God has gifted you in many ways. The world needs gifted people. Be yourself (God's beloved child), and allow the world to see God through you.
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