Tuesday, April 5, 2022

April 2022

 Easter is getting closer! Spring is in the air!

It's been a long, cold winter. Our second winter in a pandemic. We're starting to see the effects on people's mental health and emotional well-being. Isolation, added financial stress, and worries about the health of our loved ones are taking their toll on us. I read a comment about how people have aged significantly over the last two years. I can see that. I can see it in the mirror! People are exhausted and weary.

And then over a month ago, a war was started in Ukraine. My generation, especially being German, were taught that there is nothing worse than war and we must do everything in our power to prevent war from ever happening again. And yet, here we are, seeing the images on the news, feeling helpless and at a loss for words. Maybe some of you are experiencing compassion fatigue and avoiding the news. It's just too much suffering.

And yet. We believe in a God who took immense human suffering and turned it into hope and life for an entire world. Jesus' suffering stands for the suffering of all innocent victims of violence and political oppression. Jesus' loneliness, being betrayed and deserted by his friends, his fear and grief stand for the emotional suffering of all of God's children.

We will spend time together reflecting on this on Good Friday, April 15, at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary and on Facebook live. As a symbolic act of hope we will end the service with a candlelight vigil in front of Trinity Church.

We believe in a God who doesn't pretend that all is well in the world. A God who gives us the freedom to make our own decisions - for better or worse. And a God who will lead and love us through it anyway.
When I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders I look at the cross. I look at Jesus dying so nobody must ever die alone, or in vain. I look at Jesus forgiving those who hurt him, and reprimanding those who wanted to take violent revenge on his behalf. And I see love. Nothing but love.

Love is stronger than death. Love is stronger than war and injustice. Love is more powerful than all the pain and suffering in the world. That's all we have to hold onto. And it's all we need.

I look forward to celebrating love and life with you on Easter Sunday.
Until then, I will keep praying for peace and healing, and I will keep believing in a God who is Love.

With Hope,
Pastor Valeria.

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