As I am writing this, the sunlight is sparkling on the snow. Doesn't it always look so pretty the next day?
I hope you were able to stay home last Saturday and watch the snow fall. It helps us to slow down. Yes, many of you have to think about getting out there in the cold and wet and cleaning it all up... But for those hours while the snow is falling heavily, the best thing to do is just stay put. Relax. Do whatever you feel like doing. Play a game, watch a movie, read a book, bake cookies, take a nap...
Time spent doing nothing is always time well spent. Our value as human beings is not determined by our productivity, by how much we get done on any given day. Our value is determined by the One who created us, out of love, and for love.
February is for lovers. At least that's what the stores try to tell us starting the day after New Year's: time to buy chocolate and pink things! As people of faith, every single day is for lovers. And not just romantic lovers but for lovers of people, lovers of pets, lovers of nature and lovers of God. Any kind of loving relationship is worth celebrating. Even if the one you love passed away. Your love for each other is still alive, and it is a gift that no one can take from you.
May you slow down this month, watch the snow fall (or the rain, or the sun shine!), and celebrate the love that is all around us, the love that is in us, the love that is God.
May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Moccasins
Make happy tracks in many snows,
And may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.
(A Cherokee Blessing)
Pastor Valeria
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